Sunday, November 13, 2011

Late Afternoon in November

This weekend I went out to spend some quality time with Gobie and the gang. It feels like it's been a while since I just came to sit and relax in the field with the herd. Now that things seem to be sorted out between the horses, it's safer to do so, I guess. It was a pretty afternoon--just cold enough to let you know that it was November but just warm enough for it to be comfortable. It was a wintery sun, though, that kept playing hide-n-seek in the silvery clouds that were languidly making their way across the sky in the chilly breeze.

First, I wanted to check out the wooded trail by the back paddock. Bonnie's place is surrounded by a modest woods, mostly pine trees. I walked along the fence where there seemed to be a path into the trees. The ground was covered in pine needles which seemed to insulate everything, making the entire woods seem quiet and footsteps imperceptible.


I followed the path back through the woods, and there seemed to be a couple off-shooting paths but I wasn't sure where they went. I didn't want to accidentally trespass on a neighbor's property so I headed back. I came out on the left side of Bonnie's house, facing the front paddock along the driveway.

Gobie, having a drink.

I squeezed myself between two of the fence rails and already Gobie was standing right next to me to see what I was up to. I gave him a treat and a once-over. It looks like the scrap/bite under his mane is finally starting to grow hair back.

Looking much better!

The order of the day was some prime relaxing and nature appreciation, so I settled down under the orange and yellow leafed tree in the paddock. It was a pretty comfy spot with a cushiony layer of leaves to sit on, and a comfortable trunk to lean against. Belle the Corgi came out to sit with me, too.

Being vigilant.

Gobie came over to see what I was up to. I've done this before--that is, settling down near a tree in a paddock with the horses--but every time Gobie wants to investigate and play with me a little. I wonder if it's instinct. After all, if your horse pal is laying down by a tree you want to make sure they're not sick or hurt in some way. It's probably a little dangerous to be sitting down in a paddock full of horses, but I'm mindful of where they are and how close they get. I'm fairly confident that Gobie won't accidentally trample on me. Being near a tree helps, too since it's a pretty visible barrier of something a horse doesn't want to knock into or rough-house around. Even so, it pays to be mindful of where you legs are in relation to any horses.

Legs and the leaves.

Of course my favorite thing about Gobie is his in-your-pocket friendly curiosity. He knows I'm usually well-equipped with tasty tid-bits.

Got any treats?

He is a bit puppyish in that if you do play hard to get with the treats, he's happy to lick your hands and search your pockets and try all of his charms to try to get you to give him one. It usually works! I really enjoy his company, and it was doubly lovely, sitting beneath a tree in autumn colors. The photo below was going to be a heroic picture of Gobie, but his true colors shone through.

Put that tongue away!

If anything, he's sincere, though. And properly apologetic. And a down-right schmooze. He played with my hair, and was very interested in snuffling around my face--maybe because I was wearing peppermint-scented lip gloss?

Nuzzling my knee.

He would come and go from where I was at the tree, which was fine by me. I enjoyed relaxing, watching the horses from a far, appreciating the weather and all the good nature around.

See you later, pony.

After a while it was time to go, so I walked to where Gobie was mingling with the herd in the field. I gave him a treat, and some scratches on the withers. He must have been in a cozy mood, because he started reciprocating the grooming, by working on my shoulder with his prodding upper lip, licking and even nibbling a little, on my jacket. He also tried mussing with my hair a little.

Getting groomed.

I'm not sure if Gobie didn't link how Booboo was looking at us, if he was trying to come over to break up the niceties or what, but as our mutual grooming session was coming to an end Gobie whisked himself away from the party and ran after Booboo.

Defending my honor, no doubt.

It was a short lived event, though, and I wasn't in any danger from it. Before heading back to the car I stopped by Gobie again to fuss over him a little more, tousle his hair, and steal from heat from under his mane.

Thanks, good friend.

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